Sunday, 12 March 2017

March 13 - 17

Hi everyone!

I can't believe March Break is around the corner. Whether you are travelling or enjoying some down time at home, I hope you have a relaxing and rejuvenating break next week! I would also like to thank you all for taking the time to come for Parent/Teacher conferences!  The home/school relationship and communication is crucial to your child's academic success! It was great to chat with you all!

In our classroom:

This week we will be working primarily on our descriptive reports. Realistically they will not be completely finished before the break, but I am hoping the rough drafts and editing and revising will be completed this week. We will also work on our own Coat of Arms for social studies and health. In reader's workshop we will continue to work on inferring skills.

Heritage Fair:

Information about the Heritage Fair will be coming home. The fair is optional for grade 4 students.If students choose to complete a project, it must have a Canadian theme such as history, geography, or heritage.  The school Heritage Fair will take place on Thursday, April 6th.  Please check out the following websites for helpful ideas.


Since this is the week leading up to March Break, there will be NO regular homework for the week. We would expect that students are reading every night, as well as reviewing their multiplication facts.

Important Dates/Events:

Friday, March 17 - Saint Patrick's Day - students can choose to wear green, or they can wear their pajamas. A loonie or toonie would be appreciated. All money raised will go to Easter Seals.

Image result for saint patricks day

Friday, March 17 - 4D Class Party! 

We will be watching the movie "Holes" since we read the book as a class. The movie is rated PG, so you will need to fill out a permission form to allow your child to watch this movie. I have previewed it, and there are only a couple of spots that we will need to skip through. 

If anyone would like to bring in some green treats in spirit of St. Patrick's day, they are more than welcome. We have discussed that there are many healthy choices available!

Ms. Young will be doing some fun activities in the afternoon as well!

I wish you all a wonderful week off!! I look forward to all the stories when we return to school Monday, March 27!

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