Sunday, 13 November 2016

November 14 - 18

I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful long weekend!

Learning Reports will be going home on Tuesday, November 15th, and there will be Parent Teacher Conferences throughout this week. I am really looking forward to meeting with you all to discuss your child's progress!

This week our reading comprehension strategy continues to be making connections. I encourage you to discuss possible connections your child is making during their reading at home. Talking about what your child is reading is a wonderful way to support their overall understanding of the text they are reading.

Homework will be as usual this week. Please continue to have your child fill in their reading log nightly, and ensure all homework is being returned in their homework folder for the end of the week. Students will have new word study words this week, as well as a math sheet for additional practice in adding 3 digit numbers.

Important Dates/Events:

  1. Wednesday, November 16th - Pajama Day in support of "Help Children Wear Shoes in Peru". A donation of a loonie or toonie is greatly appreciated!
  2. Friday, November 18th - NO SCHOOL for students due to Parent Teacher Conferences

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