We will be finishing up our recounts, and doing some mini lessons on how to do "Free Writes". It is important for developing writers to have opportunities to write authentically about topics that have personal significance. We will have discussions, and I will model, how to choose and develop topics with a particular purpose in mind. We will also be learning about different "forms" writers use, such as posters, pamphlets, stories, newspaper articles, informational articles, etc.
We will spend some time reading and doing follow up activities in honour of Remembrance Day this week.
Using personal strategies to add 3 digit numbers will continue to be our focus in math this week.
Because this is a short week there will be NO word study or math homework this week. Please continue to read and discuss the reading with your children nightly. Thank you for your continued support.
Important Dates/Information:
- Wednesday, Nov. 9 - There will be a Remembrance Day assembly at school for students
- Wednesday, Nov. 9 - Pajama Day - please bring in loonie or toonie in support of "Help Kids Wear Shoes in Peru"
- Thursday, Nov. 10 - PD Day for Colonel Gray family of schools. NO SCHOOL for students.
- Friday, Nov. 11 - Remembrance Day - NO SCHOOL
Online parent/teacher interview schedule - Just a reminder that you can go online to sign up for a parent/teacher interview time. You can use the following link:
Have a wonderful weekend!
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