Sunday, 20 November 2016

November 21 - 25

It was really great to chat with each of you during Parent Teacher Conferences last week! I was very happy to talk with many of you to clarify the homework situation. It is always very helpful to have school and home on the same page. I will be talking with the class tomorrow to remind the students of the expectations as well, including:

  1. Homework Folders and Communication Books should be brought to and from school daily. 
  2. Nightly Reading - students should be reading at least 15 minutes each night. They are to record their reading on their reading logs.
  3. Word Study - students should be taking home their word study scribblers each week. These scribblers have the weekly schedule and description of activities for the week. They have the week to complete the activities on the evenings that are convenient for you as a family. 
  4. Both reading logs and word study scribblers should be returned the last day of each week for me to review.
As far as I know, the weekly math homework will also continue. I really appreciate your continued support and will keep you posted on the progress!

In Literacy, we will continue to work on Making Connections and on choosing and developing topics for Free Writes.

In Social Studies we are working on the regions of Canada. We have already looked at the provinces/territories and their capitals, and are now moving into physical regions of Canada. There will be a hands on project for students to demonstrate their understanding at the end of this outcome. Stay tuned - details to follow in the near future!

Scholastic Book Orders: I will begin sending home Scholastic Book Orders for anyone who is interested. The first one will go home tomorrow and is due back by Wednesday, November 30th. Please send cash only - NO CHEQUES.

I hope you all have a wonderful week!

Monday, 14 November 2016

Important Information

I have a couple of important things to share with you.

1. A notice went home today with your children. I will post it below as well:

Due to family reasons, I have decided to reduce my teaching time. I will continue to teach Language Arts, Social Studies, Art and Technology in the mornings.

Beginning today, Ms. Shannan Young will come in for the afternoons to teach Math, Science and Health. Ms. Young has worked at West Royalty Elementary in the past and is very familiar with the school and the students. She and I will collaborate to ensure the smoothest transition possible.

Please feel free to contact us ( or  if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you for your continued support.

2. We have been asked to forward the following to you regarding the QSP Gift Item pick up:

We would like to thank everyone for their support and fundraising efforts!!  Now that our campaign has come to a close we would like to notify parents that gifts that have NOT been picked up and are unbreakable or small have been sent home in your child's backpack today. For orders that were larger or contained breakable items your orders are at the school and will be ready for pick up on Thursday night (parent teacher interviews) between the Times 5-7:30.
If you need to make alternate arrangement or have any questions or concerns with your order  please contact the QSP committee chairs
Joanne Condon -
Lisa Munn - lmunn@live ca

Sunday, 13 November 2016

November 14 - 18

I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful long weekend!

Learning Reports will be going home on Tuesday, November 15th, and there will be Parent Teacher Conferences throughout this week. I am really looking forward to meeting with you all to discuss your child's progress!

This week our reading comprehension strategy continues to be making connections. I encourage you to discuss possible connections your child is making during their reading at home. Talking about what your child is reading is a wonderful way to support their overall understanding of the text they are reading.

Homework will be as usual this week. Please continue to have your child fill in their reading log nightly, and ensure all homework is being returned in their homework folder for the end of the week. Students will have new word study words this week, as well as a math sheet for additional practice in adding 3 digit numbers.

Important Dates/Events:

  1. Wednesday, November 16th - Pajama Day in support of "Help Children Wear Shoes in Peru". A donation of a loonie or toonie is greatly appreciated!
  2. Friday, November 18th - NO SCHOOL for students due to Parent Teacher Conferences

Saturday, 5 November 2016

Nov. 7 - 11

We have another short week coming up. The weather is unpredictable this time of year. Please ensure you continue to send warm layers, hats, mittens and boots for recess.


We will be finishing up our recounts, and doing some mini lessons on how to do "Free Writes". It is important for developing writers to have opportunities to write authentically about topics that have personal significance. We will have discussions, and I will model, how to choose and develop topics with a particular purpose in mind. We will also be learning about different "forms" writers use, such as posters, pamphlets, stories, newspaper articles, informational articles, etc.

We will spend some time reading and doing follow up activities in honour of Remembrance Day this week.


Using personal strategies to add 3 digit numbers will continue to be our focus in math this week.


Because this is a short week there will be NO word study or math homework this week. Please continue to read and discuss the reading with your children nightly. Thank you for your continued support. 

Important Dates/Information:

  1. Wednesday, Nov. 9 - There will be a Remembrance Day assembly at school for students
  2. Wednesday, Nov. 9 - Pajama Day - please bring in loonie or toonie in support of "Help Kids Wear Shoes in Peru"
  3. Thursday, Nov. 10 - PD Day for Colonel Gray family of schools. NO SCHOOL for students.
  4. Friday, Nov. 11 - Remembrance Day - NO SCHOOL
Online parent/teacher interview schedule - Just a reminder that you can go online to sign up for a parent/teacher interview time. You can use the following link:

Have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Parent Teacher Interviews

There is a change in how to set up your parent teacher interview times this year. It will be an online process this year. There is a detailed explanation in the newsletter that went home this week, and the following is also posted on the website.

Dear Parents/Guardians,
West Royalty School is now using On-Line Bookings for Parent-Teacher Conferences for November 17th and 18th. A link is located on our school web page where you can register and book parent-teacher conference times.
We would like all parents to go on line and create an account and book your child(ren)’s time(s). ON LINE APPOINTMENTS WILL OPEN ON NOVEMBER 4 FOR BOOKING. YOU CAN REGISTER AND BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT TIME ON THIS DATE UNTIL NOVEMBER 11th at 3:00 pm.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
I look forward to seeing you all soon!
Femke Hakkers