Sunday, 25 September 2016

September 26 - 30

Hi everyone!

A quick update on the week ahead.


We will continue with Self Monitoring strategies through read alouds and teacher modelling. Students will also be applying these strategies during independent reading. Please continue to discuss your child's reading with them at home and ask them how they are figuring out challenging parts in the text.

We are building our ideas in our Writer's Notebooks this week. Most covers have come back in - thank you! If you still have one at home, please send it in as soon as possible.

We will wrap up the examples of activities in Word Study, so students should be getting their own words next Monday to start Word Study homework.


We will continue our work in representing numbers and the value of digits in a number. The first math homework sheet will be coming home tomorrow.


I had many reading logs come back in! Thank you for your support. Just a reminder to please ensure students are recording their reading nightly. Math sheets are included this week, and are due back with reading logs on Friday, September 30th. Students all have access to Xtra Math - feel free to use this at home in order to improve their math facts!

Other News & Important Dates:

1. Monday, Sept. 26 - I will be out tomorrow for another mandatory PD session. I know the students of 4D will be fantastic hosts for Ms. Schneider!

2. Wednesday, Sept. 28 - We will be having Terry Fox Fun. If you are able, please send a loonie or toonie to donate to this very important cause.

3. Thursday, Sept. 29 - School pictures for KA, KB, grades 2, 4 and 6. Please send your forms back in your child's homework folder.

4. October 3rd - The end of the Magazine Campaign.

5. October 4th (a.m.) - Cross country meet - the rain date is October 5th.

Have a great week!


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