Sunday, 11 September 2016

September 12 - 16

This past week we developed our classroom criteria. We all contributed our ideas of what is most important in a productive and positive work space. Then, as a class, we sorted them and came up with headers that represented what mattered most to us. I have no doubt that this will be a wonderful classroom to work in!

Now that the routines and expectations in our classroom have a solid start, we will be delving into more curriculum this week. Here is our focus for the week ahead.


We will continue to have mini lessons to establish the set up of our Reader's Workshop. So far students have been introduced to the classroom library and to the expectations during Independent Reading. We will focus on choosing Just Right books (see a "handy" guideline below), and how to "buzz" (discuss respectively) with our partners. We will also begin working on our first FL's (Foundational Learnings). During read alouds we will begin working on Self Monitoring. This is what we do as readers to ensure our understanding. It is one thing to be a fluent reader, but it is also crucial to notice when words or sections of a text don't make sense, and to use strategies to self correct in order to understand what it is we are reading.

In writing, we will begin looking at our Writer's Notebooks. These will be very special notebooks in which students will have a place to record ideas, observations, wonderings or anything else that may inspire them as writers. I will be sending home a cover page for this notebook to be completed at home. Students may personalize it as they wish to represent themselves. It is due back by next Monday, Sept. 19th. 


We are starting on our first FL in math as well, which is N1 - Representing and describing whole numbers to 10 000. Through different activities we will establish some of the different ways to write numbers (in place value charts, standard form, expanded form, written form, etc.).

Important Dates:

Tuesday, Sept. 13 - Meet the Staff Night - There will be 2 sessions available. The first session starts at 6:30 pm in our classroom (#183 - the old computer lab). Each session is about 20 minutes. Please come directly to our classroom instead of heading to the gym first.

Wednesday, Sept. 14 - Kick Off for the Magazine Campaign -  This is an incredible fundraiser for the school and we are looking forward to all the excitement that will bring!

Have a wonderful week!

Femke Hakkers

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