Hi everyone,
It is hard to believe we are well in to February! We are continuing our unit on descriptive report writing. Everyone has chosen a topic - a territory, province or capital city in Canada. We have constructed our criteria for the project and have started the research aspect of the project. Students are using a variety of sources, including our social studies text book to find facts relevant to their project. This is providing the opportunity to find important information in non fiction texts, as readers. As well, their sources are samples of what they can include as writers in their own reports. Students will have the choice on the form they will use to publish their final product. They may choose to do a hand written book or they may use Google Slides to create their report.
Our field trip for the Arts Discovery Days is officially postponed until February 23. We are very excited that they were able to offer us a make up date!
There is a slight change in homework this week. Students will still be expected to record their reading (title, pages, etc), but rather than doing a reflection every night, they will be expected to fill out a Summary sheet instead. The summary sheet will be sent home on Monday and needs to be returned by Friday. We have been working on our Foundational Learning LC2 which is being able to retell a fiction text. Students can choose one of their fiction books to retell.
Important Dates/Info:
- Tuesday, February 14 - Red and White Day for Valentine's Day. Students are welcome to bring in Valentines or kind notes to put into their classmates' "mailboxes".
- Monday, February 20 - Islander Day - NO SCHOOL
- Wednesday, February 22 - Pink Shirt Day in support of Anti Bullying
- Thursday, February 23 - Grade 4 Field Trip to the Confederation Center
Parent/Teacher Conferences Information:
West Royalty School is now using On-Line Bookings for Parent-Teacher Conferences for March 9th and 10th . A link is located on our school web page where you can register and book parent-teacher conference times. https://wrelementary.schoolappointments.com/
We would like all parents to go on line and create an account and book your child(ren)’s time(s). ON LINE APPOINTMENTS are open now for booking. YOU CAN BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT TIME ON UNTIL March 3rd at 3:00 pm.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
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