Happy New Year, everyone! I hope you enjoyed a restful holiday and that everyone is feeling rejuvenated for the new year!
During this short week, we will be doing a New Year's Resolutions activity and discuss goals we have for the coming months. We will also be finishing up our narrative stories and be taking some time to share them with each other. This will be a great time to re-visit the expectations for Reader's Workshop. We will take some time to talk about choosing appropriate books, the importance of reading stamina, and reading responses.
As for homework, I have decided to invest in homework bags. The folders just weren't holding up and it was sometimes difficult to fit everything in. You will be seeing the green bags coming home. Any notices and communication from school to home will go home in the bags. Because it is a short week, we will wait to start Word Study until next week. Reading logs will need to be filled out this week. It is important that they are filled in each night. Thank you for your support with this!
I am really looking forward to seeing all the kids tomorrow!!